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The initiative „capital meets ethics“ is supported by self-employed entrepreneurs and freelancers who are linked together due to their business in a nationwide network. Besides the fact that they are trying to carry out their daily business on the basis of social ethic values, they also want to bring the areas of capital and ethics together. In particular, however, the project “world ethics award”, is to be promoted.

In addition, the subject „capital meets ethics“ should be brought closer to the wealthy and (political) decision-makers of this republic by means of wide media coverage.

To quote the Frankfurt-based moral theologian, Johannes Hoffmann: “The release of capital from all ethical obligations and all responsibility towards mankind, nature and common welfare must find an end“ (Source: Public forum dossier). For this reason we would like to invite you to take an active part in this initiative. Help to bring about a wide-based rethinking.

The ideas – in particular with regard to the „world-ethics-award“, design and web site support are in the hands of Luc Peraudin and Jörg Warnstorf

You find the idea of a ´world-ethics-award´ worth supporting and would like to participate in developing the concept, then please contact (see above) us.